Fringe After Dark

Mini Poetry Slam at Calgary Fringe!

Writers Guild of Alberta and Calgary Poetry Slam - Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Mature Content (Age 14+)

Join the Writers' Guild of Alberta for a special edition of the Calgary Poetry Slam at Calgary Fringe this summer! Hosted by Matt Miller.

Sign-up starts at 9:15pm.
Participants announced at 9:30pm.
Show starts at 9:45pm.

This is a mini version of the Calgary Poetry Slam. Six performers will be selected by random draw and will each read two poems (3 minutes max.) The poet with the highest combined score after two rounds will be the winner!

Cash prizes!
First place gets $100 || Second place gets $50

Show up at 9:15pm to put your name into a draw for the chance to compete!


What is a poetry slam?

Slam poetry is a type of competition where people read their poems without props, costumes, or music. After performing, they receive scores (0-10) from randomly selected judges. The judges can be anyone: they don’t even need to be poets! Scores are awarded based on how much each judge likes a poem. The purpose of this judging process is to make poetry participatory for everyone. Slam poetry doesn’t need to be a specific form of poetry.

What do I need to bring?

• $22 entrance fee (can purchase tickets ahead of time online, or pay at the door. Both cash and card payments accepted.)
• 2 poems, each less than 3 minutes.
• Friends! The bigger the audience, the better the show!

What are the rules?

• No props, no costumes, no animal acts, no nudity.
• No booing.
• Keep your poem under 3 minutes and 10 seconds or you'll lose points.

CONTENT WARNING: poetry slams often deal with hard topics such as domestic violence, sexual abuse, grief and death, social issues, etc.

Ticket sale proceeds goes to the Writers Guild of Alberta and the Calgary Poetry Slam.


Sun Aug 4 @ 9:45 pm to 11:00 pm PAY WHAT YOU WANT TIX AVAILABLE.

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