
Where Have All The Witches Gone? ON DEMAND

The Scorched Woman Collective - Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Mature Content (Age 14+, PG)

When a young woman is falsely accused of witchcraft, she faces the possibility of being exiled from her community. She is told that, to prove her innocence, she must kill a previously exiled witch. Does she have what it takes to save herself?

Playwright: Macie Lockhart
Director: Rita Rebetskaya
Cast: Macie Lockhart, Abigail Monarrez, Ian Riep, Liam Akehurst, Grace de Jong, Gabrielle Vos de Wael, Sophia Garcia
Stage Manager: Katie Drysdale
Creative Advisor: Abigail Monarrez
Producer: Sabrena Shah Baigzada
Dramaturg: Sunny Bao

Violence, Threat of Sexual Assult: A threatening kiss is attempted without consent.
Strobe light effect/flashing lights.
Loud, sudden noises.

RECORDED LIVE from the opening weekend of the 2024 Calgary Fringe Theatre Festival.
Available for On Demand viewing from Wed Aug 7 to end of day Sat Aug 10, 2024.

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