Comedy/Drama, Storytelling, Spoken Word, Physical Theatre


Citizen Theatre - Calgary, Alberta, Canada

General Audience (Age 12+)

Alexa’s world is rocked after being placed in her school’s remedial reading and spelling classes. One dyslexia diagnosis later, we follow Alexa as she navigates school, discovers the internet, declares Shakespeare to be an old fart, and revives her love for words. Using dance, spoken word, and a few book references for good measure, Celexia is an autobiographical ode to words and a declaration of our human desire to create and be heard.

Performed at Victoria Fringe Festival 2023, Nexus Newspaper says, “Celexia is a work of art; moving, funny, and extremely engaging.”

Playwright: Alexa McGinn
Director: Alexa McGinn
Cast:Alexa McGinn
Dramaturg: Eden Middleton

Educational Topics, Solo Performance

RECORDED LIVE from the opening weekend of the 2024 Calgary Fringe Theatre Festival.
Available for On Demand viewing from Wed Aug 7 to end of day Sat Aug 10, 2024.

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