Satire, Spoken Word, Performance Art, Musical Theatre, Comedy/Drama, Storytelling

In The Abroad ON DEMAND

SAK Productions - Calgary, Alberta, Canada

General Audience (Age 13+)

For the first time in his life, Samuel faces a whole new world - with nothing but a few dollars and the passion to be a writer! Will he realize his dreams? Or will he be another cog in the capitalist machine!? This one-man comedy takes you on a journey of courage, aspirations, loss, pain... and hope, using humour, music and some damn witty lines! This play will wrap you up in the story so tightly that you'll wonder how 40 minutes have passed so quickly!

Written and Performed by: Samuel Kugbiyi
Director: Laura Couch
Associate Artist: Jack Grinhaus

Awkward Topics, Solo Performance, Adult Language, Religious Content

RECORDED LIVE from the opening weekend of the 2024 Calgary Fringe Theatre Festival.
Available for On Demand viewing from Wed Aug 7 to end of day Sat Aug 10, 2024.

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