Comedy/Drama, Storytelling

A Little Bit Much ON DEMAND

Chela Davison - Bowen Island, BC, Canada

Mature Content (Age 16+)

Chela Davison dishes the dirt about a life filled with ideas, jokes, sex, drugs, travel, hairdressing, dating, marriage, kids, coaching and relentless personal growth. Shaking her fist at the absurd and unwinnable game of “having it all” and “being somebody”, A Little Bit Much is a raucous ride of a solo show about self-perception and social conditioning. It’s for anyone - particularly any woman - who’s been told they’re “a little bit much.” Directed and dramaturged by fringe legend TJ Dawe.

Playwright: Chela Davison
Director: TJ Dawe
Cast: Chela Davison

Sexual Content, Adult Language, Solo Performance, references to eating disorders, birth, assault, drugs, sex and profane language.

RECORDED LIVE from the opening weekend of the 2024 Calgary Fringe Theatre Festival.
Available for On Demand viewing from Wed Aug 7 to end of day Sat Aug 10, 2024.

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